Friday, February 2, 2007

Poem: Preface to twenty Volume Suicide Note
Author: Amiri Baraka

Speaker: A depressed person/ father how is tired of the simplicities life
Occasion: Pre suicide
Audience: General
Purpose: To show that life is worth living
Subject: deciding his fate, to kill or not to kill
Tone: depressed, low, miserable, sad.

Literary Critic:
The poem “Preface to twenty Volume Suicide Note” by Amiri Baraka is a poem with no rhyming scheme at any point of the poem. This idea of having no rhyme in poem was an interesting choice by the author. I believe the choice to do so is a lot clearer when one sees the title of the poem in particular the words “Suicide Note.” It became clear to me that it was supposed to be a suicide note but just in the form of a poem. This poem has many different interpretations, as do all other poem. I believe this was about a father how did not see a meaning in life until he saw that he had a purpose in life, the dude to be a good father to his daughter. What makes this poem really effective is that the author paints a clear picture of the situation and makes the audience feel sympathetic, eventually getting the reader to feel what he feels.


AD said...

Interesting analysis dude. You should speak up in class; you have great insight. Your response is clear and straight to the point; short and sweet. Good work.


Lady G said...

I really like your interpretation of this poem. I get a new insight into the meaning of the poem. I also felt that because the title had suicide in it that the guy felt life has no meaning to it. I like how you took it even futher to say that he realized his pupose thoughout the poem. You should share your thoughts more they are really insighful. Honestly.