Friday, February 2, 2007

Poem: Preface to twenty Volume Suicide Note
Author: Amiri Baraka

Speaker: A depressed person/ father how is tired of the simplicities life
Occasion: Pre suicide
Audience: General
Purpose: To show that life is worth living
Subject: deciding his fate, to kill or not to kill
Tone: depressed, low, miserable, sad.

Literary Critic:
The poem “Preface to twenty Volume Suicide Note” by Amiri Baraka is a poem with no rhyming scheme at any point of the poem. This idea of having no rhyme in poem was an interesting choice by the author. I believe the choice to do so is a lot clearer when one sees the title of the poem in particular the words “Suicide Note.” It became clear to me that it was supposed to be a suicide note but just in the form of a poem. This poem has many different interpretations, as do all other poem. I believe this was about a father how did not see a meaning in life until he saw that he had a purpose in life, the dude to be a good father to his daughter. What makes this poem really effective is that the author paints a clear picture of the situation and makes the audience feel sympathetic, eventually getting the reader to feel what he feels.
Poem: Minstrel Man
Author: Langston Hughes

Speaker: An ambiguous person
Occasion: Ones confections to the façade they have let other to believe.
Audience: The people/person which never carried to see how the person really felt.
Purpose: To uncover ones façade.
Subject: The out cry of a person who has keep their emotions in for a very long time
Tone: angry, enthusiastic, fed up, desperate.

Personal Response:
The poem Minstrel Man by Langston Hughes does not seem contain any sort of rhyme, yet the poem does flow nicely. Yet this poem does has two sources of repetition, specifically when he says "Because my mouth/ is wide with laughter" and "You do not know." This repetition makes the poets voice much stronger, repeatedly insinuates that because the people wish, only to see her out side they do not care about what is going on in the inside. This concept has happened to me more times then I would like, especially when I work. At work I am paid to be cheerful and happy but many times I am existed and feel like being alone, inside I am striving to get out of there. When I get out of work I am back to my old self, shy and eager for peace and quite.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetic Language

Poetic Language is a language used primarily to express ones feelings, on deepest emotions. This language does not have to be under stand by everyone, it could be a language does not have to be understood by everyone. I believe it could be a language only the author understands. Poetic language does not have to rhyme as many have been made to believe. If one wishes to purge an emotion creatively than that person is using poetic language.
I do not believe poetic language is that different from poetry it’s self because I feel ones writing is considered as one or the other as long as one really believes in their heart that it is poetic.

Favorite Poety

Biker's Code

I ride purely, and only, because it is fun. I ride because I enjoy the
freedom I feel from being exposed to the elements, and the vulnerability
to the danger that is intrinsic to riding. I do not ride because it is
fashionable to do so. I ride my machine, not wear it. My machine is not
a symbol of status. It exists simply for me, and me alone. My machine is
not a toy. It is an extension of my being, and I will treat it
accordingly, with the same respect as I have for myself. I strive to
understand the inner-workings of my machine, from the most basic to the
most complex. I will learn everything I can about my machine, so that I
am reliant upon no one but myself for its health and well-being. I
strive to constantly better my skill of control over my machine. I will
learn its limits, and use my skill to become one with my machine so that
we may keep each other alive. I am the master, it is the servant.
Working together in harmony, we will become an invincible team. I do not
fear death. I will, however, do all possible to avoid death prematurely.
Fear is the enemy, not death. Fear on the highway leads to death,
therefore I will not let fear be my master. I will master it. My
machines will outlive me. Therefore, they are my legacy. I will care for
them for future bikers to cherish as I have cherished them, whoever they
may be. I do not ride to gain attention, respect, or fear from those
that do NOT ride, nor do I wish to intimidate or annoy them. For those
that do not know me, all I wish from them is to ignore me. For those
that desire to know me, I will share with them the truth of myself, so
that they might understand me and not fear others like me. I will never
be the aggressor on the highway. However, should others mess with me,
their aggression will be dealt with in as severe a manner as I can cast
upon them. I will show respect to other bikers more experienced or
knowledgeable than I am. I will learn from them all I can. I will not
show disrespect to other bikers less experienced or knowledgeable than I
am. I will teach them what I can. It will be my task to mentor new
riders, that so desire, into the lifestyle of the biker, so that the
breed shall continue. I shall instruct them, as I have been instructed
by those before me. I shall preserve and honor traditions of bikers
before me, and I will pass them on unaltered. I will not judge other
bikers on their choice of machine, their appearance, or their
profession. I will judge them only on their conduct as bikers. I am
proud of my accomplishments as a biker, though I will not flaunt them to
others. If they ask,I will share them. I will stand ready to help any
other biker that truly needs my help. I will never ask another biker to
do for me what I can do for myself. I am not a part-time biker. I am a
biker when, and where ever I go. I am proud to be a biker, and I hide my
chosen lifestyle from no one. I ride because I love freedom,
independence, and the movement of the ground beneath me. But most of
all, I ride to better understand myself, my machine, the lands in which
I ride, and to seek out and know other bikers like myself.
