Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetic Language

Poetic Language is a language used primarily to express ones feelings, on deepest emotions. This language does not have to be under stand by everyone, it could be a language does not have to be understood by everyone. I believe it could be a language only the author understands. Poetic language does not have to rhyme as many have been made to believe. If one wishes to purge an emotion creatively than that person is using poetic language.
I do not believe poetic language is that different from poetry it’s self because I feel ones writing is considered as one or the other as long as one really believes in their heart that it is poetic.

1 comment:

lisa said...

i could not agree more with you. Poetic language are the tools used to purge ones emotions. i also strongly agree with the fact that poetry has to be understand by the author, event though an audience is always important most of the times these poems or pieces of poetry are written when we want to let something out. it does not necessarily have to be for others o read. i do not think that someone can sit there and judge whether or not something is poetry!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB MAINE